Historic Court Ruling for Bison Blockchain: Wyoming District Court Issues Prejudgement Writs of Attachment and Garnishment for $15.5M

In a historic ruling, the United States District Court for the District of Wyoming has issued Prejudgement Writs of Attachment and Garnishment for $15,529,165.00 in proceeds from the acquisition by CleanSpark Inc. of the North Range and Campstool bitcoin mining sites from MineOne.

The Honorable Judge Alan B. Johnson issued the Order granting Bison’s request and the Prejudgement Writs of Attachment and Garnishment citing “it appears that Plaintiff (BCB Cheyenne LLC) has a meritorious claim for relief.”

The Prejudgement Writs of Attachment and Garnishment instruct MineOne to send $15,529,165 to the registry of the District of Wyoming Court where it will be held pending the results of the litigation between the Parties.

The Wyoming statue establishing Prejudgement Writs of Attachment and Garnishment has been rarely used since it became a statute in 1876 (when Wyoming was still a territory of the United States). The Order granting the Writs was another historic legal event involving the North Range bitcoin mining site following the Presidential Divestment Order.


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