Hard Work Paying Off as We Approach Launch

The excitement at Bison Blockchain is palpable as we make significant strides toward the completion of the North Range crypto mining location. We are thrilled to share the latest updates, which reflect our team's unwavering commitment to this groundbreaking project.

Firstly, our partners have successfully loaded miners into the data centers, marking a crucial milestone in the development of our mining infrastructure. This achievement is the culmination of months of planning and hard work, and it brings us one step closer to launching our state-of-the-art mining operations.

In addition to the miners, our networking team has been working diligently on installing and finalizing the networking systems within the data centers. This sophisticated infrastructure is essential for ensuring seamless communication and optimal performance across all of our mining systems.

One of our major milestones since we kicked off construction last October has been energizing the site. With the site energized and networked we can begin mining Bitcoin. We are now on track to officially start mining Bitcoin in the next two weeks!

As we approach this major milestone we are scheduling inspections and coordinating with all teams to prepare to energize the site. This momentous occasion will be the ultimate test of our hard work and dedication, as we bring our cutting-edge mining facility online and into action.

Our team at Bison Blockchain is incredibly proud of the progress we have made thus far, taking this project from a shared vision to delivering on our goal of building the largest bitcoin mine in all of Wyoming! We are confident that the North Range crypto mining location will set new standards for the industry, and we look forward to the countless opportunities it will provide for Bison Blockchain and the blockchain community as a whole.

We also plan to have updates soon about our second site in the Campstool Business Park. Please stay tuned for more exciting updates.

#BisonBlockchain #NorthRange #CryptoMining #SiteUpdate #HardWorkPayingOff #Bitcoin


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